Hey Patrons!
It’s been held up a little with all the chaos of speaking at the WOMADelaide festival in Adelaide this week, but as promised in my March newsleter I’m having my first competition & giveaway just for you!
I’m currently travelling around Australia speaking in schools and at festivals about Mars One, and at the end of the March I’ll be heading to Perth for a frantic series of school visits in the final days of March. So on March 31st I’ll be drawing winners out of a hat and announcing the winners!
What do you have to do to enter? NOTHING EXCEPT SEND ME YOUR ADDRESS!
This is my way of saying thank you for your support, so everyone who’s supporting me on Patreon is guranteed to get something… although the higher the level a supporter you are, the more entries in the hat you’ll have and the higher the chances of winning something awesome!
Just send me your mailing address and you’ll be getting something from me in the mail in April 😀
Some of the items being mailed out to lucky winners include the t-shirt & hat 20th Century Fox gave me after living inside a glass & steel death box for 5 days…
As well as Mars One t-shirts and signed posters from my solo show “Becoming Martian”.
Stay tuned for more on here very soon – it’s been a mad few weeks and there’s lots to share. A huge thanks again for all the amazing support, and stay awesome!